Maintenance and Maintenance Methods for Fuel Tank Trucks - China Trucks-TOP Chinese Truck Exporter-Trucks Supplier

Maintenance and Maintenance Methods for Fuel Tank Trucks

The difference between maintaining and repairing a fuel tank truck is clear: repairs address failures, while maintenance prevents them. Careful operation of tank trucks is essential, as eliminating safety hazards and maintaining the vehicle are crucial. Failures can lead to safety risks, so maintenance focuses on reducing part wear, preventing breakdowns, and extending the vehicle’s lifespan. In contrast, repairs restore failed or non-functional parts and assemblies, ensuring the truck regains its working condition and extends its service life.

Tank truck maintenance and repair are interrelated. Maintenance often uncovers potential issues, allowing for repairs during the same process. Similarly, repairs may include maintaining undamaged parts. Balancing the two is essential—prioritizing maintenance helps avoid the negative approach of “repair over maintenance” or replacing parts unnecessarily. The principle of “three parts maintenance and seven parts care” highlights the importance of proactive maintenance.

Maintaining the Lubrication System
The lubrication system protects the engine by reducing wear through effective lubrication of its components. Special vehicles typically require lubrication maintenance every 5,000-10,000 km. If the engine produces excessive noise, struggles with acceleration, or has high water temperatures, immediate cleaning and maintenance are necessary. Removing oil sludge and deposits prevents oil oxidation at high temperatures, reduces engine wear, prolongs engine life, and enhances power output.